What happens when you find out you need an anterior implant or crown? How can you be sure your new tooth will look like your real teeth?
Fortunately, there are ways to color your dental implants or crowns so that you can show off your beautiful smile for all to see. At the VerTrue Dental Lab, we take our time getting the best shades to match your natural dentition.
Just like snowflakes, our teeth have unique markings and shade gradients. For highly esthetic cases, we take a series of photographs both with and without shade guide tabs. This helps us decide what shades best harmonize with your existing characteristics. Sometimes teeth have unique features, or we receive an anterior implant case where the abutment can show through. For those special instances, we coordinate patients to meet our porcelain technician for a personal consultation.
We know how stressful it can be to put your trust and care in the hands of others. We also know how life-changing it is to be able to smile with confidence. VerTrue Dental Lab strives to give you that confidence, so you’ll be smiling with ease for years to come!